School outreach

CCC Mission Co-ordinator Bears Fruit

As well as her involvement in CCC’s projects in Cambodia, our  Mission Co-ordinator Ms Huot Chanthoeun is also seconded to the Living Hope in Christ Church, Phnom Penh, to participate in their work of evangelism, disciple-making. church-planting and leadership training.

Ms Chanthoeun recently participated in a mission to Tbong Khmum Province in the east of Cambodia. There were two strands to the mission:

Outreach to school children

School outreach  School outreach

Equipping of church members

 Training session Training session

Back in Phnom Penh

Ms Chanthoeun also shares in the church’s ministry to women and children in Phnom Penh and recently had the privilege of leading two women to the Lord.

She joins in the activities of the church women’s group, which include praise and worship (seen below), Bible study and care for the poor in the community.