Please Pray
Jesus said, "Apart from me you can do nothing."
Cambodia: church and nation
Pray for the continued growth, maturity, outreach and zeal of the Cambodian church. May God refine, renew and revive churches that have been led astray by false doctrines or have lost their first love. Pray for expatriate Christian workers, that they will give the church appropriate training and support.
Pray for a good relationship to be maintained between the church and the government.
Pray for the king of Cambodia, King Norodom Sihamoni.
Pray for the Prime Minister and all in national and local government, that they may lead Cambodia in righteousness and justice.
Pray that Cambodia may be rid of drug abuse, human trafficking, prostitution and other social ills.
Pray for an improvement in the standard of living of the rural poor.

Cambodia for Christ Sports Ministry
Pray for Pov Phearun, the founder and leader of this ministry.
Give thanks for all the young football enthusiasts who have come to the Lord through this ministry and pray that the current team members may acknowledge Jesus as Lord.
Pray for the development of the education programme.
Pray for the funds needed to purchase a plot of land to establish a sports centre and construct a simple building that can also be used for education.

Timothy College and Business Institute
Ask the Lord to link us with people with appropriate gifts and experience who can help us carry through the project.
Ask the Lord to reveal to us more of His strategy to start one or more simple centres for teaching basic subjects and then to build on this foundation.
Pray that the Lord would provide all the resources that we shall need, including funding, land and personnel.
Pray that the whole enterprise, and the long-term work of the college, will be led by the Holy Spirit and will bring glory to God.

Student sponsorship
Pray for the children being sponsored by CCC to attend school.
Pray for funds to meet our sponsorship commitments for 2024.
CCC Council and Staff
Pray for God’s protection of Council members.
Ask the Lord to guide the Council in making decisions.
Pray for new, younger Council members to join us who are full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom and committed to Cambodia.
Give thanks for unity within the Council.
Pray that our Country Director, Ms Huot Chanthoeun, and her two part-time colleagues may be granted God's blessing, protection and wisdom.