How To Give
Give Online Now...
... at Stewardship
Go to our Stewardship donation page, where you can give any amount between £1 and £1,000,000 using a credit or debit card from anywhere in the world.
UK taxpayers can optionally increase the value of their donation by 25% by signifying that they wish to claim Gift Aid.
Stewardship retain up to 3.5% of the value of each donation to cover their administration costs.
... from your CAF Charity Account
Make an online donation to CCC from your CAF Charity Account at the Charities Aid Foundation's secure web site (enter CCC's registered charity number 1062205 in the Charity Name box and select Search charity number or keywords).
Send a Gift by Post
Send a cheque
Please send a Sterling cheque drawn on a UK bank, payable to Cambodian Communities out of Crisis, to the address below.
Pay a Gift into Our Bank Account
Please contact us at the address below or by email for details of our GB £ and US $ accounts.
Increase Your Giving
Give regularly by standing order
Contact us at the address below or by email to request a standing order form that you can give to your bank or details of our bank account that you can use to set up a regular payment in your online banking system.
Increase the amount of your donation through Gift Aid
Find out more about Gift Aid and other tax-efficient ways of giving.
Make a Gift Aid declaration online or contact us at the address below or by email to request a Gift Aid form that you can use to authorise CCC to recover tax on your gift, increasing its value by 25%. You must be a United Kingdom taxpayer to use this facility.
Give through your payslip or pension
Payroll Giving offers a simple way to reduce the cost to you of making regular gifts to CCC. If your employer or company/personal pension provider runs a Payroll Giving Scheme, you simply authorise them to make the donation from your wages or pension before deducting any tax.
Give As You Shop
There is an easy way for you to help raise funds for Cambodian Communities out of Crisis — simply by shopping online.
Join easyfundraising and you can collect free donations for us every time you buy something online. It won't cost you a penny extra. You can make a big difference on everything from groceries to getaways.
When you shop the easyfundraising way at any one of over 3,000 shops and sites they give us a commission for your purchase. The commission may only be a few pence, so is it worth it? Lots of supporters making lots of purchases each generating a small commission will soon add up to a substantial amount that can make a real difference to someone's life in Cambodia.
So register today and remember: before you shop online, go to easyfundraising first.
Make a Business Gift
Limited Companies can claim Corporation Tax relief on qualifying donations of money to CCC. Sole traders and partnerships can make Gift Aid donations in the same way as individuals.
Our Mailing Address
Cambodian Communities out of Crisis
126 Unicorn Road
SY11 2UD
United Kingdom