The Projects We Support
CCC's purpose is to act as a channel for the love of Jesus Christ for the people of Cambodia. We do not run our own projects in Cambodia or anywhere else; we channel resources from outside Cambodia to churches, organisations and individuals whom we can trust to use them honestly and wisely.
What are these resources used for?
Relief of Poverty and Suffering
We believe we have a particular calling to help widows, orphans and the very poor. We make grants to provide immediate help, but we also want to assist with income generation and the setting up of small businesses.
Cambodia for Christ
We assist Cambodia for Christ in the running of two projects:
- Sports Ministry: football teams for young people and children who may be vulnerable to drug pushers and criminal gangs.
- Timothy School: informal classes teaching English, computer studies and music that supplement the education children receive at school.
We are involved in the sponsorship of children at schools in Cambodia. We have previously sponsored several students at colleges and universities.
Timothy College and Business Institute
We are very excited about working with the Cambodian church to establish a college and business institute.
Previously Supported Projects
CCC has been making grants to projects in Cambodia since 1994. Sometimes the amounts have been small but the fruit has been significant.
Dump Kids/Children of Cambodia
From 2008 to 2018 we helped children who formerly scavenged on a rubbish dump to go to school and receive a cooked lunch each day. As the project progressed, the children's families were able to find alternative sources of income, enjoy a higher standard of living and make better provision for their children.
In CCC's early days we...
- supported the School of Practical Ministry Cambodia, which trains pastors of indigenous, non-denominational churches;
- sponsored trainees at the Khmer School of Sewing;
- paid for a music teacher to work with the Cambodian Christian Arts Ministry;
- helped meet the costs of a school building;
- paid for computer equipment used by the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia;
- made a small contribution to the cost of purchasing a building for the Theological Education by Extension Association of Cambodia;
- donated toys to a pre-school;
- supported the Help for the Poor Orphanage just outside Phnom Penh, caring for 27 children.

Computer equipment purchased by the Evangelical Fellowship of Cambodia using a grant from CCC
CCC employs a Country Director and two part-time assistants in Cambodia, but no other staff. Council members and volunteers carry out administration and fundraising in the United Kingdom.